Sous Vide cooking

Sous-vide cooking class, videos published.

The videos of the class are published at   Sous-vide French translation “under vacuum”. The class was a great success (I are too much). Excellent food and interesting process. Sous-vide cooking is relatively new for the home chef, but has been used in fine dining restaurants for a few decades now. There is no charge

Sous-vide cooking class, videos published. Read More »

no-theory 3d printing with our printers class 2015-05-30

Saturday, May 30, 2015, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM I have done 3D printing classes where I’ve discussed theory and how everything works, but the feedback I’ve received seems to suggest people want less theory and structure and more “how do I print my thing” That’s what this class is for. We’ll download something, set up

no-theory 3d printing with our printers class 2015-05-30 Read More »

Friday Fest 2015-05-08

Friday Fest, 2015-05-08

2015-05-08 was Melbourne Friday Fest. Melbourne Makerspace as well as Jaycon Systems and some other companies did have booths there. Instructions from Friday Fest admins: Instructions for Friday,May 8th Friday Fest (Make sure you bring matting to cover your cords!) * Your Location – Attached please find the vendor location list and map.  Please keep in mind that we have tried

Friday Fest, 2015-05-08 Read More »