We were able to get the loft installed on Saturday 2015-07-18 and I finished putting the floor on yesterday. The purpose of the loft is to give us extra storage space so we can store things that we don’t need on a daily basis.
Tonight (Monday 2015-07-20), we will continue the rearrange. The back corner will now host all of the 3d printers and the vinyl cutter.
Plan for tonight:
Relocate the stored materials from the wire rack in the back corner to the loft (or the trash bin if it makes sense).
Relocate all of the donated computers to the loft.
Relocate the 3d printers to the wire rack.
Relocate all of the networking equipment (Router, modem, etc.) to the top shelf of the wire rack.
Remove the tables that used to hold the 3d printers and move one of them to the back corner, which will require moving the electronics workbench a couple feet toward the garage door.
Finish wiring up the 3d printers and vinyl cutter
Clean up the electronics workbench
If there is time, or another person who wants to work on it, we are going to try to mount all of the hardware racks to the wall somewhere that will remain accessible.
Pictures of the build: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOUlRP8DCDxH3rbg2S6MPXUvnFl7wOCF6UxTHCAOC2L1aL6VMznEYZqDPYqTb64Cw?key=dnpoWmRKZ0owTlRlcFltZnNBVVVXMDNoNE1yVURR