We have a new mill!

We’ve added a new metalworking mill to our list of tools available at the Melbourne Makerspace.  Now everyone can include metal parts into their projects and prototypes like aluminum covers for control panels, metal parts for custom latches and levers, and even molds for plastic and rubber parts! A few of us were required to

We have a new mill! Read More »

Turn ESP8266 wifi module into fake WeMo switch for Amazon Echo

Do you want to do home automation on a dime?  Sure we all do!  So instead of paying $40-50 per outlet, how about $10-15 (or less!)?  Here’s what you’ll need: ESP8266 module = http://goo.gl/eXgLSy = Ebay $1.92 with free shipping. 5V – AC Relay Switch = http://goo.gl/tQ1Q8F = Ebay $3.75 free shipping. 3.3v/5v Breadboard Power Supply = http://goo.gl/XlqIyq

Turn ESP8266 wifi module into fake WeMo switch for Amazon Echo Read More »