Intro to Programming with Python classes scheduled!

Our next set of classes will be for an introduction to computer programming.  We’ll be using the Python language since it’s one of those that are easy to get started and easy to get something useful built on various devices like Raspberry Pi as well as “Internet of Things” projects.  These classes are for anyone

Intro to Programming with Python classes scheduled! Read More »

Melbourne Friday Fest 2015-05-08 map.

Friday Fest with geeks and nerds. 2015-05-08

The people at Jaycon Systems (Preston) have convinced the organizers of Melbourne Friday Fest ( to add a section for geeks and nerds.  That means that Jaycon Systems and other companies that are in to techie things will have booths at the West end of the Fest.  Our booth application is being processed. See the

Friday Fest with geeks and nerds. 2015-05-08 Read More »