Intro to Programming with Python. All three (3) classes are published on the Melbourne Makerspace YouTube channel. See dates below.
For those who have never written a single line of code in their life or experienced developers that want to learn Python syntax, drop by the Makerspace and let’s go through the Python tutorials together. Led by Josh Pritt – writing code since he was 12 years old – we’ll learn the very basics of writing the fundamental structures like “for loops”, “while loops”, “if statements”, and creating functions using the Python programming language. Spread over three, two hour classes on the first three Saturdays in June, we’ll go over the very basics on the first class, then a little more advanced topics on the second class, then explain how to take this knowledge and learn to quickly get started writing code in different languages by just looking up the syntax of how each language does “for loops”, “while loops”, “if statements”, etc. There will be a make up class the following Monday night from 7-9pm.
Registration if free. Attending the class is free. There are no costs to students.
To register for one or more of these (remaining) classes, click on the links below to RSVP. You must RSVP for each class. If you do not have a account, you will be required to create one. They are free. You only have to provide your name and an email address. Any other information requested is optional.
YouTube Play List of this class series: