A fast-track course to basic electronics and programming lite.
Saturday, April 22, 2017 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Saturday, April 29, 2017 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Saturday, May 6, 2017 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Learn more about the class’s content at: https://electronicsarduinobreadboardlab.wordpress.com/
The breadboard pictured above will be assembled in the beginning and will be used throughout the course in order to minimize setup time for each lab. We will simply add wires to build circuits and take measurements. The Arduino Nano will serve as our power supply; and later as our programming platform. All of the material will be covered in 3 meetups lasting 4 hours on successive weekends with a makeup evening on special request. The dates and times will be posted on the MeetUp site.
This class is free to the public; but you must RSVP for the optional kits ($25) which are sold at cost. To get the most out of this material the kit is highly recommended because this is a very hands-on course.
The key activities are:
Soldering 101, Breadboarding and Prototyping, Basic Electronics and Circuits, Component Identification and Properties, Integrated Circuits, Analog Sensors, Test Equipment, Arduino Nano Microcontroller and Programming Lite, Digital Sensors.
11 years old through adult senior with ability to operate a computer and follow detailed instructions under supervision. Lectures will use some high school algebra and scientific notation with every effort to keep the science simple and engaging.