Making a Guitar at the Makerspace
Making a Guitar at the Makerspace Read More »
This year, I am giving everyone on my list homemade charcuterie boards as Christmas presents, because I recently found out about the Melbourne Makerspace. I stopped by one of their Open Houses and was very impressed with the guys that volunteer there. I got to use tools that I have never worked with before. They
After many hours and a few long nights meeting at the Makerspace our team has progressed past regional championships onward and upward. What is T.I.R.E.D doing in the Makerspace? It’s way more than building robots. FIRST Tech Challenge teams (up to 15 team members, grades 7-12) are challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots
Team T.I.R.E.D makes it to State Championships! Read More »