A few of us will be at the Melbourne Barnes and Noble Mini Maker Faire on Sunday November 8 to give a presentation on our makerspace. Feel free to drop by and see everything going on next weekend since it is a three day event starting on Friday November 6 and going through Sunday November 8. There will be hands on projects that anyone in the public can come in and participate and make things using 3D printers and other tools. There will be speakers and other makers giving talks and presentations each day including scientists from NASA on Saturday at 1 pm!
Here’s the description of the event from the B&N website:
“If you’re a tech enthusiast, educator, tinkerer, hobbyist, engineer, science club member, author, artist, student, entrepreneur, crafter, or maker of any kind—join us! In partnership with Make: Magazine, creators of the Maker Faire, we’re putting on a Mini Maker Faire in all Barnes & Noble stores nationwide from November 6 through 8. We’ll learn from each other, hear from experts, and work on projects together.”