
    • What’s it like?
      Melbourne Makerspace is a physical location where people can be free to learn new skills, work on projects, experiment with ideas, and meet others who are also excited about learning and making. Many members are particularly excited about 3D printing, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and Laser cutting plastic, wood, and paper. We often host volunteer-driven events or classes on these or other topics (based on what people want to teach). When you visit, you’ll find a variety of tools, an area to work, and (depending on the day!) other members. It is a volunteer organization in the model of hackerspaces and makerspaces.

To help everyone have the best environment and experience, Melbourne Makerspace promotes the the mottos

Be excellent to each other” 
be considerate of others in your actions

if you want something done, you’re free to do it yourself! (within the lines of being excellent of course 😉

Here are examples of similar communities. We are not affiliated with them in any way, neither endorse nor oppose their activities, but it may give you ideas for projects you might see here, or organize yourself!
Tampa Hackerspace

  • How much is it to join?
    The monthly fee is $60 for the first member of the household, and $30 for a second key.  Click here to pay dues online (note: membership subject to prior approval, contact us for more information or come to an event to meet us!)
  • Is there an age limit?
    We currently can’t offer official memberships to persons younger than 18 in the Makerspace, because members are allowed unsupervised access to the space and tools. However, we’ve already hosted a number of free classes and lectures which were open to all ages, and we intend on continuing to provide a supervised hands-on learning environment with no age restrictions.  In our Scratch programming class, for example, we noticed that several of the youngsters were much more experienced than many of the adults, and we welcome any knowledgeable teachers regardless of age.
  • Where is the Melbourne Makerspace?
    The Makerspace is located at 401 N. Wickham Rd. Suite 126 Melbourne, FL 32935. We are located in one of the offices in the back with the garage bays.
  • What equipment can I use at the Makerspace?
    Currently we have a laser cutter, multiple 3D printers, sewing machine with embroidery attachment, a drill press, scroll saw, soldering irons, wood shop, metal shop, and various electrical test equipment. Because this is a volunteer organization, all equipment has been provided by generous donations from individuals and other groups. Also, being a volunteer organization, availability of each tool may change on a daily basis.