Tony will be teaching a class on (Ubuntu) Linux.
I’ve had a hate/hate relationship for years. I really want to use it but it can be frustrating as a 22 year Windows user. Lately, I’ve been studying hard and I’ve drawn a lot of parallels between Windows and Linux and I will be teaching this class from that perspective.
Linux certainly has it’s place in the world, but starting from scratch can be frustrating. We’ll start this class by using a “Live USB” version of Ubuntu, so you can run linux on your windows machine without having to install anything. I will have 5 Live USB’s available unless more people RSVP, so please RSVP so I know how many I need. I will show things like basic commands, installing software and hardware, mounting drives, managing files, and other useful things. My hope is that you’ll leave with enough skills to continue your journey into Linux without as much hassle as I’ve had getting this far. I will also be showing how to boot a Raspberry Pi with linux and do some basic programming.
There is no cost to attend, but if you want to keep a USB Linux stick, it will be $10. Please indicate if you don’t have a laptop to bring and we’ll try to have a machine available for you to work with. This is first-come, first-served, so please RSVP using MeetUp (link below) early.