Let’s Make Fidget Spinners!

What a fun way to learn how to use the 3D printers and laser cutter as well as how to use CAD 2D and 3D software to design or tweak others’ designs.  We are going to use Wednesday’s arts & crafts night to learn how to design our own fidget spinners!  Then we’ll use Friday’s 3D printer and laser cutter event to learn how to use those tools to bring your idea to real life.  We have several sets of ball bearings to use as well as a few designs that use 5/16″ nuts as counterweights.  There’s even a design we found on thingiverse that uses pennies as the counterweights.  These events (like all of our events) are free and open to the public.  So invite everyone you know, bring your kids and let’s learn how to make stuff!

Wednesday (Design Day): https://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-Makerspace-Florida-USA/events/239821944/
Friday (Create Day): https://www.meetup.com/Melbourne-Makerspace-Florida-USA/events/239822071/

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